India and Saudi Arabia have signed bilateral Hajj agreement.

India and Saudi Arabia have signed bilateral Hajj agreement.

Daily Current Affairs   /   India and Saudi Arabia have signed bilateral Hajj agreement.

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Category : International Published on: January 09 2024

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  • Recently India and Saudi Arabia have signed bilateral Hajj agreement.
  • This signing has been done in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Indian Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani signed the agreement with Saudi Hajj and Umrah Minister of Affairs Dr. Tawfiq bin Fauzan Al Rabia.
  • This agreement highlights India's commitment towards inclusivity.
  • Because it discusses ways to encourage women's participation in Hajj without a male guardian (Mehram).
  • India's initiative towards encouraging participation under the Ladies Without Mehram category was highly appreciated.
  • This is an important step towards seamless pilgrimage experiences for Indian Muslim pilgrims.
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