S. According to the report of A&P, India will become the third largest economy in the world by 2030.

S. According to the report of A&P, India will become the third largest economy in the world by 2030.

Daily Current Affairs   /   S. According to the report of A&P, India will become the third largest economy in the world by 2030.

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Business and economics Published on: December 07 2023

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  • S. & P. is a global rating agency.
  • According to its recent report, India will become the third largest economy in the world by the year 2030.
  • S. & P. has estimated the country's GDP growth to reach 7 percent in the financial year 2026-27.
  • The agency has projected 6.4 percent GDP growth by the current financial year 2023-24.
  • India could see high-growth in startups over the next decade, especially in the financial and consumer technology sectors, thanks to a rapidly growing domestic digital market.
  • Currently India is the fifth largest economy in the world.
  • India is at fifth position after America, China, Germany and Japan.
  • S&P The full name of is Standard and Poor's.
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