ISRO Scientists Discover Exoplanet 1.4 Times Bigger Than Jupiter

ISRO Scientists Discover Exoplanet 1.4 Times Bigger Than Jupiter

Daily Current Affairs   /   ISRO Scientists Discover Exoplanet 1.4 Times Bigger Than Jupiter

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: November 19 2021

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  • Indian scientists have discovered an Exoplanet that is larger than Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system.
  • The exoplanet is located 725 light-years away and has a mass that is roughly 70% that of Jupiter, with a size that is approximately 1.4 times larger.
  • The finding was made using PRL's advanced radial-velocity Abu-sky search (PARAS) spectrograph, which is a first-of-its-kind technology in India.
  • The telescope is situated at the Mount Abu observatory.
  • The US space agency NASA defines exoplanets are planets that orbit around other stars. These planets are found outside of the Solar System. All planets in the Solar System orbit around the Sun.

Important Takeaways

About Exoplanet

  • A planet outside the Solar System is known as an exoplanet or extrasolar planet. In 1917, the first possible evidence of an exoplanet was discovered, but it was not recognised as such at the time. In 1992, the first confirmation of detection was made. Following that, a separate planet, first discovered in 1988, was confirmed, rated as an Exoplanet.

Types of Exoplanets:

  • Gas giants
  • Neptunian planets
  • Super-Earths
  • Terrestrial planets
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