India, ASEAN agree to review FTA by 2025

India, ASEAN agree to review FTA by 2025

Daily Current Affairs   /   India, ASEAN agree to review FTA by 2025

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Category : International Published on: August 23 2023

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  • In a significant move, India and the ASEAN countries have come to an agreement to reevaluate their existing free trade pact for goods. 
  • The aim of this review is to address the existing trade imbalances and disparities between the two parties.
  • The Joint Committee of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA), which was originally signed in 2009, convened to discuss the roadmap for revisiting the pact.
  • They decided to adhere to a quarterly negotiation schedule and set a definitive goal: concluding the review by the year 2025.
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