Cabinet approves MoU between India and Italian Republic on Cooperation in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Cabinet approves MoU between India and Italian Republic on Cooperation in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Daily Current Affairs   /   Cabinet approves MoU between India and Italian Republic on Cooperation in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

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Category : International Published on: September 16 2021

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·         A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the NDMA of the Republic of India and the Department of Civil Defense of the Presidential Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic on Cooperation in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.

·         The MoU seeks to establish a mechanism whereby both India and Italy would benefit from each other's disaster management mechanisms and would help in strengthening the areas of preparedness, response and capacity building in the area of ​​disaster management.

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