Important Articles of Our Constitution

Important Articles of Our Constitution

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The Constitution of India has 395 articles in 22 parts. Additional articles and parts have been subsequently inserted through various amendments. There are 12 schedules in the Indian Constitution as well. So let's take a look at this.



Article 12 –35

Specify the Fundamental Rights available

Article 36-51

Specify the Directive Principles of state policy

Article 51A

Specifies the Fundamental Duties of every citizen

Article 80

Specifies the number of seats for the Rajya Sabha

Article 81

Specifies the number of seats for the Lok Sabha

Article 343

Hindi as official language

Article 356

Imposition of President’s Rule in states

Article 368

Amendment to the Constitution

Article 370

Special status to Kashmir

Article 395

Repeals India Independence Act and Government of India Act, 1935






Part I

The Union and its territory

Art. 1 to 4

Part II


Art. 5 to 11

Part III

Fundamental Rights

Art. 12 to 35

Part IV

Directive Principles

Art. 36 to 51

Part IVA

Fundamental Duties

Art. 51A

Part V

The Union

Chapter I – The Executive (Art.52 to 78)

Chapter II – Parliament (Art.79 to 122)

Chapter III – Legislative Powers of President (Art.123)

Chapter IV – The Union Judiciary (Art. 124 to 147)

Chapter V – Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (Art.148 to 151)

Art. 52 to 151

Part VI

The States

Chapter I – General (Art.152)

Chapter II – The Executive (Art.153 to 167)

Chapter III – The State Legislature (Art.168 to 212)

Chapter IV – Legislative Powers of Governor (Art.213)

Chapter V – The High Courts (Art.214 to 232)

Chapter VI – Subordinate Courts (Art.233 to 237)

Art. 152 to 237

Part VII

States in the B part of the First schedule
Repealed by Const. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956



The Union Territories

Art. 239 to 242

Part IX

The Panchayats

Art. 243 to 243 O

Part IXA

The Muncipalities

Art. 243P to 243ZG

Part IXB

Co-operative Societies

Art. 243H to 243ZT

Part X

The Scheduled and Tribal Areas

Art. 244 to 244A

Part XI

Relations between the Union and the States

Chapter I – Legislative Relations (Art.245 to 255)

Chapter II – Administrative Relations (Art.256 to 263)

Art. 245 to 263

Part XII

Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits

Chapter I – Finance (Art.264 to 291)

Chapter II – Borrowing (Art.292 to 293)

Chapter III – Property, Contracts, Rights, Liabilities, Obligations and Suits (Art.294 to 300)

Chapter IV – Right to Property (Art.300-A)

Art. 264 to 300A


Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India

Art. 301 to 307

Part XIV

Services under the Union and the States

Art. 308 to 323



Art. 323A to 323B

Part XV


Art. 324 to 329A

Part XVI

Special provisions relation to certain classes

Art. 330 to 342


Official Language

Chapter I – Language of the Union (Art.343 to 344)

Chapter II – Regional Languages (Art.345 to 347)

Chapter III-Language of the Supreme Court, High Courts, and so on (Art.348 to 349)

Chapter IV-Special Directives (Art.350 to 351)

Art. 343 to 351


Emergency Provisions

Art. 352 to 360

Part XIX


Art. 361 to 367

Part XX

Amendment of the Constitution

Art. 368

Part XXI

Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions

Art. 369 to 392


Short title, commencement, authoritative text in Hindi and repeals

Art. 393 to 395


Fundamental rights are covered from Article 12 to 35. It is a major part that every citizen must be aware of. We are providing you with the list of all fundamental rights along with the article.




Fundamental Right

Article of Constitution


Right To Equality
(Article- 14 to 18)

Art. 14- Equality Before Law

Art. 15- Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth

Art. 16- Equality of opportunity in public employment

Art. 17- Abolition of untouchability

Art. 18- Abolition of Titles


Right To Freedom
(Article- 19 to 22)

Art 19- Freedom of speech, expression, movement

Art 20- Protection from conviction for offences

Art 21- Right to life & Personal Liberty

Art 22- Protection against arrest or detention


Right Against

(Article- 23 & 24)

Art 23- Protection from trafficking & Forced Labour

Art 24- Ban on child labour


Right To Freedom of

(Article- 25 to 28)

Art 25- Freedom to practice one’s own religion

Art 26- Freedom to manage religious affairs

Art 27- No taxation for promotion of religion

Art 28- Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious worship in institutions


Cultural & Educational

Rights (Article 29 & 30)

Art 29- To Protect & Preserve the minorities

Art 30- Right of minorities to administer educational institutions


Right To Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)

Art 32- Remedies for enforcement of rights


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