World Pneumonia Day: 12 November

World Pneumonia Day: 12 November

Daily Current Affairs   /   World Pneumonia Day: 12 November

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Category : Important Days Published on: November 12 2021

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  • World Pneumonia day is celebrated on 12 November every year.
  • The purpose of World Pneumonia Day is to raise awareness about the disease, its harmful effects, causes, and how it can be prevented or treated. It aims to reduce the number of deaths caused by the fatal disease through proactive and long-term global efforts.
  • The day was first observed in 2009 with the goal of drawing attention to the complications and issues associated with Pneumonia.
  • According to the WHO, pneumonia is more severe in children under the age of five, and precautions must be taken to avoid the disease.
  • Pneumonia day was established by the Global Coalition against Child Pneumonia in the year 2009.
  • The Theme of this year is ‘’Stop Pneumonia / Every Breath Counts’’.
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