World Bank president Ajay Banga named in 2023 list of Great Immigrants

World Bank president Ajay Banga named in 2023 list of Great Immigrants

Daily Current Affairs   /   World Bank president Ajay Banga named in 2023 list of Great Immigrants

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Category : International Published on: July 01 2023

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  • Ajay Banga, the President of the World Bank, has been recognised on the Carnegie Corporation of New York’s annual “Great Immigrants” list. 
  • He is lauded for his contributions and efforts in enriching America and its democracy. 
  • The Foundation has been preparing an annual list of eminent immigrant Americans since 2006 to mark immigrants' contributions to the country and their support to strengthening democracy.
  • With over 30 years of experience in key positions, 63-year-old Banga is expected to usher in transformative policies at the World Bank to combat poverty and address climate change, opening opportunities for people around the globe.
  • This year, the corporation honours 35 individuals from 33 countries and a wide range of backgrounds. Among the honourees are individuals who have fostered opportunities for others through their work as educators, mentors, philanthropists, job creators, public servants, storytellers, and advocates.
  • Mr. Banga started his career in India, spending 13 years at Nestle India and two at PepsiCo. In 1996, he joined Citigroup, eventually leading the Asia-Pacific region as CEO.
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