Uttarakhand has been awarded the Best State in the category of Himalayan and North Eastern States for innovative experiments in the field of fisheries.

Uttarakhand has been awarded the Best State in the category of Himalayan and North Eastern States for innovative experiments in the field of fisheries.

Daily Current Affairs   /   Uttarakhand has been awarded the Best State in the category of Himalayan and North Eastern States for innovative experiments in the field of fisheries.

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Awards Published on: November 23 2024

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  • Uttarakhand has been awarded the Best State in the category of Himalayan and North Eastern States by the National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad for innovative experiments done in the field of fisheries. 
  • On the occasion of World Fisheries Day, Union Minister of State for Fisheries and Panchayati Raj Rajiv Ranjan Singh gave this award to Uttarakhand at a ceremony held in New Delhi on 21 November 2024.
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