Tamil Nadu’s Authoor Betel Leaves received GI Tag. The Geographical Indications Registry has issued the Geographical Indication (GI) tag certificate of Tamil Nadu’s Authoor Vetrilai (Authoor Betel Leaves) to Thoothukudi district administration.
The betel leaves, locally known as Vetrilai in Tamil, cultivated in the Authoor village of Thoothukudi district, Tamil Nadu (TN) attained the GI tag in April 2023.
The tag was facilitated by the Tamil Nadu State Agriculture Marketing Board and NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) Madurai Agribusiness Incubation Forum (MABIF) and registered in the name of Authoor Vattara Vetrilai Vivasayigal Sangam.
It is cultivated across an extensive area spanning approximately 500 acres of land, encompassing regions like Mukkani, Authoor, Korkai, Suganthalai, Vellakoil, and other Mukkani villages.
This leaf is utilized during special occasions such as temple festivals, housewarmings, and weddings and possesses a distinctively spicy and pungent flavour.