Category : Appointment/ResignationPublished on: November 10 2023
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Recently Rajendra Menon has been appointed Chairman of the Armed Forces Tribunal.
Rajendra Menon has been re-appointed to this post.
Rajendra Menon has been the former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court.
He has been appointed to the post of Armed Forces Tribunal for 4 years.
His tenure will last till June 2027.
Rajendra Menon was appointed to this post for the first time in the year 2019.
The Armed Forces Tribunal Act 2007 was passed by the Parliament.
The Armed Forces Tribunal was inaugurated by the President of India on 8 August 2009.
Apart from the principal bench in New Delhi, AFT has regional benches in Chandigarh, Lucknow, Kolkata, Guwahati, Chennai, Kochi, Mumbai, Jabalpur, Srinagar and Jaipur.