Recently M.M. The book 'Four Stars of Destiny' written by Naravane has been unveiled

Recently M.M. The book 'Four Stars of Destiny' written by Naravane has been unveiled

Daily Current Affairs   /   Recently M.M. The book 'Four Stars of Destiny' written by Naravane has been unveiled

Change Language English Hindi

Category : National Published on: December 28 2023

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  • M.M. Naravane has been the former Army Chief of the country.
  • Recently M.M. The book 'Four Stars of Destiny' written by Naravane has been unveiled.
  • In this, Naravane has mentioned the Galvan Valley military clash that occurred in the year 2020.
  • The Galwan Valley military clash took place between the troops of India and China on August 31, 2020.
  • To deal with the situation in Galwan Valley, the government had given a free hand to the Indian Army and ordered it to do whatever was appropriate.
  • General M.M. How Naravane faced the situation has been mentioned in his book.
  • About Agniveer Yojana has also been written in this book.
  • M.M. Naravane was the Army Chief from December 2019 to April 2022.
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