National Consumer Day is celebrated every year on 24 December.

National Consumer Day is celebrated every year on 24 December.

Daily Current Affairs   /   National Consumer Day is celebrated every year on 24 December.

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Important Days Published on: December 26 2023

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  • National Consumer Day is celebrated every year on 24 December.
  • On this day in the year 1986, the Consumer Protection Act Bill was passed.
  • The objective of this law is to provide effective safeguards to consumers against various forms of exploitation, such as defective goods, deficiency in services, and unfair trade practices.
  • This day was celebrated for the first time in India in the year 2000.
  • The Consumer Protection Act of 1986 marks a structural change in consumer rights.
  • Earlier, there was a lack of special laws for consumers to redress their complaints, and consumers had to face more difficulties in getting redressal.
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