KN Raghavan appointed as the new President of ISRG

KN Raghavan appointed as the new President of ISRG

Daily Current Affairs   /   KN Raghavan appointed as the new President of ISRG

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Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: February 25 2022

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  • Executive Director of Rubber Board of India K.N. Raghavan has been elected as the new chairman of the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG).
  • It is an intergovernmental organisation of natural and synthetic rubber producing and consuming countries.
  • Mr.Raghavan will officiate as Chairman of the group for the next two years. 
  • India, being both a producer and a consumer of rubber, will be in a good position to protect the interests of both producers and consumers in the IRSG -the only international commodity body approved by the Common Fund for Commodities for development financing in the rubber sector.
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