IOC to set up country's first maleic anhydride factory in Panipat

IOC to set up country's first maleic anhydride factory in Panipat

Daily Current Affairs   /   IOC to set up country's first maleic anhydride factory in Panipat

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Category : National Published on: November 02 2021

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  • The state-owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) will invest Rs 3,681 crore to build the country's first large-scale maleic anhydride factory at its Panipat refinery and petroleum complex in Haryana to produce enhanced chemical products.
  • The project will have a maleic anhydride capacity of 1,20,000 tonnes per year (mAh). It's used in the production of specialty products like polyester resins and agricultural chemicals.
  • Aside from that, this plant will produce 16,000 tonnes of the value-added chemical Tetra Hydro Furan (THF), which will help the pharmaceutical industry.

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About IOC

  • IOC: Indian Oil Corporation
  • Headquarters: Mumbai
  • Founded: 30 June 1959
  • Chairperson: Shrikant Madhav Vaidya
  • Oil discovered for the first time in India: Digboi
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