Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi becomes the first world leader to reach 20 million subscribers on YouTube channel.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi becomes the first world leader to reach 20 million subscribers on YouTube channel.

Daily Current Affairs   /   Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi becomes the first world leader to reach 20 million subscribers on YouTube channel.

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: December 28 2023

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  • In December 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the first world leader to reach 20 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
  • Prime Minister Modi is the only world leader who has achieved the distinction of having 2 crore subscribers on his personal YouTube channel.
  • The global leader with the second most followers is former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonora, who has just 64 lakh subscribers.
  • This is less than one-third of the Narendra Modi YouTube channel.
  • The announcement came as the channel achieved the impressive milestone of 4.5 billion (450 crore) video views,
  • This solidified its position as a major force in political communications on the popular video-sharing platform.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his YouTube channel in the year 2007.
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