India's first Dugong Conservation Reserve notified in Tamil Nadu

India's first Dugong Conservation Reserve notified in Tamil Nadu

Daily Current Affairs   /   India's first Dugong Conservation Reserve notified in Tamil Nadu

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Category : National Published on: September 24 2022

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  • Tamil Nadu on Wednesday notified the country’s first ‘Dugong Conservation Reserve’ in Palk Bay covering the coastal waters of Thanjavur and Pudukottai districts with an area of 448 square kilometers.
  • Dugongs are the largest herbivorous marine mammals in the world thriving primarily on seagrass beds, a major carbon sink of the oceans.
  • Dugongs are protected under Schedule 1 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. However, their population is on the decline due to habitat loss.
  • There are only about 240 individuals estimated to be present in the country and the majority is found in Tamil Nadu coast (Palk Bay).
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