Odisha Assistant Section Officers (OPSC ASO)- Paper 1

The Odisha Public Service Commission conducts the Odisha Assistant Section Officers (OPSC ASO) exam. The Odisha Assistant Section Officers or the OPSC ASO is given by those candidates who wish for the Assistant Section Officers in Group - B of Odisha Secretariat Service under the Home Department, Go...(Read More)

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The Odisha Public Service Commission conducts the Odisha Assistant Section Officers (OPSC ASO) exam. The Odisha Assistant Section Officers or the OPSC ASO is given by those candidates who wish for the Assistant Section Officers in Group - B of Odisha Secretariat Service under the Home Department, Government of Odisha. The OPSC ASO consists of three papers i.e. Paper I, Paper-II, and Paper III. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers. The Paper-I exam syllabus of the OPSC ASO contains General Awareness, Paper-II contains Test of Reasoning and Mental Ability and Mathematics, and Paper-III contains English Language and Odia Language. To fill out the application form for the OPSC ASO, the candidates have to pay a requisite application fee which has been set up by the exam conducting authority.

On the below of this page, you will find more information on the OPSC ASO such as exam syllabus, vacancies, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, important links and dates, how to apply for the OPSC ASO, and other details.


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  • Exam Pattern

    Total Marks : 100
    Total Time : 90 Min
    -ve marking : 0.25 (For each wrong answer)
    Subject Qns. Marks
    General Awareness 100 100
    Total 100 100

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