World Toilet Day: 19 November

World Toilet Day: 19 November

Daily Current Affairs   /   World Toilet Day: 19 November

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Category : Important Days Published on: November 19 2021

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  • Every year on November 19, World Toilet Day is observed to raise awareness about people who do not have access to safe sanitation and to initiate action to address the global sanitation crisis.
  • It is an official United Nations international observance day designed to inspire, educate, and engage people in taking action toward the goal of "safely managed sanitation."
  • The day is of huge significance because 3.6 billion people on our planet don't have access to proper toilets and sanitation, and an estimated 673 million people practice open defecation.
  • This year the theme for World Toilet Day 2021 is 'Valuing Toilets'.
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