Category : InternationalPublished on: February 10 2023
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Finland was named the world’s happiest country for the fifth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report.
The World Happiness Index 2023 Report will mark its tenth anniversary with this year’s Globe Happiness Reflect, which uses data from international surveys to show how people rank their lives in more than 150 countries.
It rates 150 countries (146 in 2023) based on factors such as GDP, life expectancy, and other indicators of quality of life.
The ranking, now in its eleventh year, assigns a score between 0 and 10 based on an average of data gathered over three years and a mathematical formula.
According to a yearly UN survey released, Russia is not having a happy year as it drops in the global happiness rankings again this year.
India ranks 136th in this 'Global Happiness Ranking 2023'. India was at number 139 in the 'Global Happiness Ranking' in 2021 of the 9th World Happiness Report. India was ranked 144 in 2020.
The World Happiness Report is published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network to the United Nations (UN).