Wong will be sworn in as Singapore’s prime minister, as Lee Hsien Loong bows out after 20 years:

Wong will be sworn in as Singapore’s prime minister, as Lee Hsien Loong bows out after 20 years:

Daily Current Affairs   /   Wong will be sworn in as Singapore’s prime minister, as Lee Hsien Loong bows out after 20 years:

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Category : International Published on: May 16 2024

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  • Singapore’s deputy leader Lawrence Wong is set to be sworn in as the nation’s fourth Prime Minister. 
  • Fifty-one-old US-trained economist Mr Wong will succeed 72-year-old Lee Hsien Loong, who stepped down after two decades at the helm. 
  • Lee’s resignation marked the end of a family dynasty led by his father Lee Kuan Yew.
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