Weekly Current Affairs (8th September to 14 September 2024)

Weekly Current Affairs (8th September to 14 September 2024)

Weekly Current Affairs   /   Weekly Current Affairs (8th September to 14 September 2024)

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Category : International Published on: September 15 2024

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  • India and South Africa have signed an agreement on submarine rescue operations.
  • Alembic Pharmaceuticals has received USFDA approval for its generic product.
  • Algeria has officially joined the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) as its newest member.
  • The ADNOC and ExxonMobil partnership will create the world's largest low-carbon hydrogen facility in Texas, producing 1 billion cubic feet of hydrogen per day.
  • Nepal has become the 101st member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA).
  • The UAE has become the first Arab state to complete a nuclear power plant, with the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant in Abu Dhabi now fully operational.
  • India has emerged as the second-largest global market for 5G smartphones, surpassing the US, while China remains the largest market.
  • India and the UAE have signed a civil nuclear energy agreement, strengthening their cooperation in the energy sector.
  • China and Russia have announced joint naval and air exercises, 'Northern United-2024,' in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk to enhance strategic cooperation and address security threats.
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