‘Vax’ declared Oxford English Dictionary's word of the year

‘Vax’ declared Oxford English Dictionary's word of the year

Daily Current Affairs   /   ‘Vax’ declared Oxford English Dictionary's word of the year

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Category : Miscellaneous Published on: November 02 2021

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  • Vax has been chosen as the word of the year by lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
  • Words related to vaccines have spiked in frequency in 2021 due to Covid, with double-vaxxed, unvaxxed and anti-vaxxer all seeing a surge in use.
  • The word wax has been used 72 times more often this year than last year.
  • This year's Oxford-winning word, vax, was first recorded in English in 1799, while its derivatives vaccinate and vaccination both first appear in 1800.
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