Uttar Pradesh government launches portal for 'One Family, One ID'

Uttar Pradesh government launches portal for 'One Family, One ID'

Daily Current Affairs   /   Uttar Pradesh government launches portal for 'One Family, One ID'

Change Language English Hindi

Category : State Published on: February 11 2023

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  • The Uttar Pradesh government has finally launched the portal for creation of 'Family ID - One Family One Identity', to identify families as a unit for implementing the 'one job per family' proposal.
  • The database entered in the portal will be helpful in better management of beneficiary schemes, timely targeting, and transparent operation, giving 100 percent benefit of the scheme to eligible people and simplification of government facilities for the general public.
  • The ID will be available to all such families who are not qualified for the National Food Security Scheme, while the ration card ID of those families will be regarded as their family ID.
  • Families without jobs can be recognised and given priority access to suitable employment opportunities on the basis of the integrated database gained through Parivar ID.
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