United Nations Disarmament Week is being celebrated from 24 to 30 October.

United Nations Disarmament Week is being celebrated from 24 to 30 October.

Daily Current Affairs   /   United Nations Disarmament Week is being celebrated from 24 to 30 October.

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: October 26 2023

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  • Every year United Nations Disarmament Week is observed from 24 to 30 October.
  • It is an annual event organized by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs to raise awareness of the importance of disarmament and promote the elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons.
  • United Nations Disarmament Week was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1978.
  • It was celebrated for the first time in the year 1979.
  • It is a week to celebrate the progress made towards disarmament and to renew our commitment to a world without nuclear weapons.
  • The United Nations Disarmament Commission was established in the year 1952.
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