Two bio-geographic hotspots in India yield two new plant species

Two bio-geographic hotspots in India yield two new plant species

Daily Current Affairs   /   Two bio-geographic hotspots in India yield two new plant species

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: June 25 2024

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  • Indian botanists have identified two new plant species, Dendrophthoe longensis in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Petrocosmea arunachalense in Arunachal Pradesh, highlighting India's rich plant biodiversity and the need for continued conservation efforts.
  • Discovered on Long Island in the Andamans, this hemiparasitic mistletoe family member thrives on mango trees and is crucial for the local ecosystem, despite being at risk from habitat loss and human activities.
  • Found in a cave in West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, this herbaceous plant from the Gesneriaceae family features distinctive white flowers with purple spots and thrives in damp, shaded environments, underscoring the importance of preserving its unique habitat.
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