Third Phase Records 61.55% Voter Turnout; Assam Tops, Maharashtra Lowest

Third Phase Records 61.55% Voter Turnout; Assam Tops, Maharashtra Lowest

Daily Current Affairs   /   Third Phase Records 61.55% Voter Turnout; Assam Tops, Maharashtra Lowest

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Category : National Published on: May 09 2024

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  • On May 7th, voting took place for the third phase of Lok Sabha elections in India, with Assam recording the highest voter turnout and Uttar Pradesh registering the lowest.
  • Out of the total 543 Lok Sabha seats, voting has been completed on 282 seats so far, with the third phase covering 93 constituencies across 11 states and Union territories.
  • Despite sporadic incidents of violence reported in parts of West Bengal, approximately 65% of the electorate participated in the voting process during the third phase, with Assam recording the highest turnout at 81.71% and Uttar Pradesh the lowest at 57.34%.
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