The first edition of the FIH Hockey 5s World Cup will be held in Muscat.

The first edition of the FIH Hockey 5s World Cup will be held in Muscat.

Daily Current Affairs   /   The first edition of the FIH Hockey 5s World Cup will be held in Muscat.

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Sports Published on: January 03 2024

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  • As per the recent announcement, the first edition of the FIH Hockey 5s World Cup will be held in Muscat.
  • Muscat is the capital of Oman.
  • A total of 16 teams will participate in this World Cup.
  • Both women's and men's competitions will be organized in this.
  • The FIH Hockey 5s Women's World Cup will be held from January 24 to 27, 2024.
  • The FIH Hockey 5s Men's World Cup will be held from January 28 to 31, 2024.
  • Hockey 5s is a new and shorter format of the World Cup Hockey.
  • In this match of total 20 minutes, both the teams have 5 players each.
  • The playing field for this shorter format is half the size of the regular field.
  • The first edition of the FIH Hockey 5s World Cup will be played in Muscat.
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