The GI tag was granted to Tamil Nadu's famous Cumbum Paneer Thirachai, also known as Cumbum Grapes.
The Cumbum Valley on the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu is known as the 'Grape City of South India', where Paneer Thirachai is cultivated.
Theni district Paneer Thirachai is one of the highest grape growing regions.
However, the 'Paneer' variety is mainly associated with the Cumbum Valley, where the area under cultivation is spread over about 2,000 acres in 10 villages.
This variety, also known as Muscat Hamburg, is known for its rapid growth and early maturity.
Paneer grapes were first introduced to Tamil Nadu in 1832 by a French priest.
These grapes are rich in vitamins, tartaric acid and antioxidants, and they also help reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.
A Geographical Indication (GI) is a name or sign given to products that come from a specific geographical location.
GI tag ensures that only authorised users can use the name of the product.