Surat Diamond Bourse becomes world's largest office building, surpasses US Pentagon

Surat Diamond Bourse becomes world's largest office building, surpasses US Pentagon

Daily Current Affairs   /   Surat Diamond Bourse becomes world's largest office building, surpasses US Pentagon

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Category : Business and economics Published on: July 21 2023

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  • India's gem capital Surat in Gujarat has surpassed the United States to host the largest office in the world. 
  • ‘Surat Diamond Bourse’ - a one-stop shop for over 65,000 diamond professionals, is now the world's largest office building, replacing the Pentagon in the US.
  • Spanning over 35 acres of land, the sprawling 15-story complex has been constructed to house the diamond industry. 
  • The office has a 7.1 million square feet of floor space, making it larger than the Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defence, which held the crown for nearly 80 years.
  • The building has been designed by architecture firm Morphogenesis, based in New Delhi.
  • The building accommodates 4,700 office spaces and 131 elevators.
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