Sunjay Sudhir appointed as Ambassador of India to UAE

Sunjay Sudhir appointed as Ambassador of India to UAE

Daily Current Affairs   /   Sunjay Sudhir appointed as Ambassador of India to UAE

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Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: November 02 2021

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  • Senior diplomat Sunjay Sudhir has been appointed as the Ambassador of India to the United Arab Emirates. Sudhir is a 1993 batch Indian Foreign Service officer and he will succeed Pavan Kapoor.
  • Pavan Kapoor has been appointed as the Ambassador of India to Russia. Apart from this, Dinesh K Patnaik has been appointed as the Ambassador of India to Spain.
  •  Patnaik, a 1990 batch IFS officer, is currently serving as the Director General of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations.
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