Sahu Tushar Mane won the gold medal in the 10m air rifle event at the 67th National Shooting Championships

Sahu Tushar Mane won the gold medal in the 10m air rifle event at the 67th National Shooting Championships

Daily Current Affairs   /   Sahu Tushar Mane won the gold medal in the 10m air rifle event at the 67th National Shooting Championships

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Sports Published on: December 26 2024

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  • Sahu Tushar Mane won the gold medal in the 10m air rifle competition, while Dhanush Srikanth won the silver and Yash Vardhan won the bronze medal at the 67th National Shooting Championship in Bhopal.
  • In the men's junior national final, Rudraksh Patil won the gold medal in the 10m air rifle category, while Abhishek Shekhar and Himanshu won silver and bronze medals.
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