Category : Science and TechPublished on: October 30 2023
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The United Nations recently released the 'Interconnected Disaster Risk Report', 2023.
This report has been released by the United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security.
This report is related to water crisis.
According to the report, some areas of the Indo-Gangetic plain in India have already crossed the dangerous point of groundwater depletion.
The entire north-western India is projected to face serious threat of low groundwater availability by 2025.
According to the report the world is approaching 6 ecological tipping points – rapid extinction, groundwater depletion, melting of mountain glaciers, space debris, unbearable heat and an uncertain future.
The report said India is the largest user of groundwater in the world, more than the combined use of the US and China.
The north-western region of India serves as the 'bread basket' for the country's growing population of 1.4 billion.
The states of Punjab and Haryana produce 50 percent of the rice production and 85 percent of the wheat reserves in the country.
78% of the wells in Punjab are considered overexploited.