RBI approves Pradeep Natarajan as whole-time director of IDFC First Bank

RBI approves Pradeep Natarajan as whole-time director of IDFC First Bank

Daily Current Affairs   /   RBI approves Pradeep Natarajan as whole-time director of IDFC First Bank

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Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: May 22 2024

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  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved the appointment of Pradip Natarajan as whole-time director and executive director on the board of IDFC FIRST Bank. The approval is for a tenure of three years and reflects the commitment to strengthen the leadership team of the Bank.
  • Pradip Natarajan's appointment is a testimony to his extensive experience and expertise, highlighting his potential contribution to the Bank's growth trajectory.
  • After getting the approval from the RBI, IDFC FIRST Bank will now proceed with the necessary formalities to finalize the process. The appointment is also subject to shareholders' approval, reflecting the bank's commitment to transparency and corporate governance.
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