Rajya Sabha clears bill to replace 100 years old Boiler Act

Rajya Sabha clears bill to replace 100 years old Boiler Act

Daily Current Affairs   /   Rajya Sabha clears bill to replace 100 years old Boiler Act

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Category : International Published on: December 07 2024

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  • The Boilers Bill 2024 got the approval of the Rajya Sabha on 4 December 2024. 
  • It will replace the hundred-year-old boiler law. It aims at regulating boilers, ensuring safety of people and property from steam-boiler explosion, uniformity in registration and inspection during its manufacture, installation and use in the country.
  • The Bill will repeal the 100-year-old Boilers Act, 1923 (5 of 1923). 
  • Boilers undergo corrosion over the years leading to accidents and the old law does not have adequate provisions for its design, construction and maintenance. Apart from all this, the Bill also addresses the issue of ease of doing business. The Bill will benefit boiler users, including MSMEs, as it also contains a provision relating to decriminalisation.
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