Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the national Aadi Mahotsav on 16th February, 2023 at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, New Delhi.
This 15-day festival is being organised at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in New Delhi.
The Theme of the event “A Celebration of the Spirit of Tribal Crafts, Culture, Cuisine and Commerce”.
The theme represents the basic ethos of tribal life.
One thousand tribal artisans and artists from 28 states and union territories will participate in the festival.
Aadi Mahotsav is a national tribal festival and a joint initiative of the Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs and the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED).
It was started in the year 2017.
The main objective of this festival is to acquaint people with the rich and diverse crafts and culture of tribal communities at one place.