Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd's (BPCL) multi-product pipeline from Bina Refinery (MP) to POL Terminal at Panki, Kanpur (UP).
The pipeline, which is 356 kilometres long, has a capacity of approximately 3.45 million metric tonnes per year (MMTPA).
This project also includes increasing tankage capacity from 30400 KL to 167200 KL, as well as building a Rail Loading Gantry at Panki POL Terminal.
The project's overall cost is Rs 1,524 crore (Rs 1,227 crore in UP and Rs 297 crore in MP).
This project will increase the supply of petroleum products in Kanpur, Lucknow, Aonla, Shahjanpur, Baitalpur, Kathgodam in Southern Uttarakhand, and Muzzafarpur in Northern Bihar.
Bharat Petroleum is India's second-largest oil marketing company with a refining capacity of 35.3 MMTPA.