Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was on a three-day visit to South Africa to attend the 15th BRICS summit, presented special gifts to the organization’s leaders including South African president Cyril Ramaphosa, First Lady of South Africa Tshepo Motsepe, and Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. PM Modi gifts Bidri Surahi, Nagaland Shawl, and Gond Painting to BRICS leaders.
PM Modi gifted Bidri a pair of ‘Surahi’ from Telangana to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Bidrivase is a purely Indian innovation of 500-year-old Persian, exclusive to Bidar.
The Prime Minister also gifted a Nagaland shawl to the First Lady of South Africa Tshepo Motsepe. Naga shawls are an exquisite form of textile art that has been woven for centuries by the tribes in the state of Nagaland.
In addition, PM Modi also gifted Gond Painting from Madhya Pradesh to the Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. These paintings are one of the most admired tribal art forms.