Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30 July 2023, announced 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' campaign in order to honour the martyred bravehearts of the country in the run up to Independence Day.
The campaign will be launched in honour of the martyred bravehearts and programmes will be organised across India in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the country.
"Special inscriptions will be installed in lakhs of village panchayats of the country in memory of these personalities,"
An 'Amrit Kalash Yatra' will also be taken out during this campaign,
The 'Amrit Kalash Yatra' will reach Delhi with soil in 7,500 urns from villages and different corners of the country.
The yatra will also carry plants from different parts of the country. A 'Amrit Vatika' will be built close to the National War Memorial with 7,500 urns, soil and plants.