Pankaj Advani inducted into Billiards Hall of Fame

Pankaj Advani inducted into Billiards Hall of Fame

Daily Current Affairs   /   Pankaj Advani inducted into Billiards Hall of Fame

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Category : Sports Published on: March 22 2024

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  • Pankaj Advani made India proud when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the World Billiards Museum in the city of Shangrao, China.
  • His career, full of achievements, makes him one of the greatest champions in the history of billiards.
  • Pankaj Advani recently won his 26th IBSF title, which brought him to a high position in the world of billiards.
  • He has scored several titles and records in billiard and snooker, making his name a symbol of greatness among players.
  • Pankaj, at the age of 38, showed the wizardry of his outstanding skills by winning his 26th IBSF title last November.
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