‘Pandavula Gutta designated exclusive Geo-heritage site in Telangana’

‘Pandavula Gutta designated exclusive Geo-heritage site in Telangana’

Daily Current Affairs   /   ‘Pandavula Gutta designated exclusive Geo-heritage site in Telangana’

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Miscellaneous Published on: March 18 2024

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  • Pandavula Gutta is older than Himalayan hills and identified as one and only Geo-heritage site at Pandavula Gutta in Telangana.
  • The Geo-heritage walk organized by the GSI aimed to educate attendees about the region's geological heritage, fostering awareness.
  • Underscoring the geological significance of places such as Pandavula Gutta that could have taken millions of years to form, he stressed that it would be the fundamental duty of the local community to safeguard and highlight the importance of the place.
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