P. Suriaraj takes charge as executive director of Dhanlaxmi Bank

P. Suriaraj takes charge as executive director of Dhanlaxmi Bank

Daily Current Affairs   /   P. Suriaraj takes charge as executive director of Dhanlaxmi Bank

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: January 29 2025

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  • P. Suriaraj has taken charge as executive director of the Dhanlaxmi Bank. He was appointed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as executive director of the Bank for a period of three years.
  • A seasoned banker with 37 years experience with the Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd, Mr. Suriaraj has served as the General Manager of various departments, including Integrated treasury, HR, recovery, establishment, planning and resource mobilization, operation and services, inspection and accounts. He also headed regions/branches of the bank in the course of his career.
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