P K Mishra reappointed principal secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

P K Mishra reappointed principal secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Daily Current Affairs   /   P K Mishra reappointed principal secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: June 15 2024

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  • P.K. Mishra, a 75-year-old retired IAS officer from the 1972 Gujarat cadre, has been reappointed as the principal secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a second term. 
  • Mishra will hold a cabinet rank in the table of precedence within the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
  • Amit Khare and Tarun Kapoor, both 63 years old, will continue serving as advisers to the Prime Minister. 
  • Their roles and experience will be crucial in supporting the PMO's operations and decision-making processes.
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