Category : Important DaysPublished on: December 02 2021
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On December 2, National Pollution Prevention Day is commemorated in honour of those who perished in the 1984 Bhopal Gas tragedy.
It was the day that the horrific industrial accident took place due to the leak of Methyl Isocyanate gas in the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant.
The day is observed to raise awareness among people and industries about the importance of pollution control measures.
The day also seeks to raise awareness about the importance of protecting natural resources such as air, soil, noise, and water.
Important Takeaways
Steps to control pollution:
Do not burn waste in a crowded area because the smoke causes severe health problems and breathing problems. Encourage the use of renewable energy and recyclable materials.
To reduce pollution in urban areas, improve plantations by opting for urban forests and green roofs.
Avoid wasting energy, water, and other natural resources.
Do not dispose of garbage or waste in rivers or bodies of water.