National Pollution Prevention Day 2021: 02 December

National Pollution Prevention Day 2021: 02 December

Daily Current Affairs   /   National Pollution Prevention Day 2021: 02 December

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Important Days Published on: December 02 2021

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  • On December 2, National Pollution Prevention Day is commemorated in honour of those who perished in the 1984 Bhopal Gas tragedy.
  • It was the day that the horrific industrial accident took place due to the leak of Methyl Isocyanate gas in the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant.
  • The day is observed to raise awareness among people and industries about the importance of pollution control measures.
  • The day also seeks to raise awareness about the importance of protecting natural resources such as air, soil, noise, and water.

Important Takeaways

Steps to control pollution:

  • Do not burn waste in a crowded area because the smoke causes severe health problems and breathing problems. Encourage the use of renewable energy and recyclable materials.
  • To reduce pollution in urban areas, improve plantations by opting for urban forests and green roofs.
  • Avoid wasting energy, water, and other natural resources.
  • Do not dispose of garbage or waste in rivers or bodies of water.
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