National Consumer Rights Day 2022: 24 December

National Consumer Rights Day 2022: 24 December

Daily Current Affairs   /   National Consumer Rights Day 2022: 24 December

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Important Days Published on: December 26 2022

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  • National Consumer Rights Day is celebrated annually on December 24 to highlight the rights of consumers and promote them all over the nation.
  • December 24 was chosen to mark the anniversary of the Consumer Protection Act, which came into effect on this day in 1986 following the assent of the then President of India. 
  • Since then, consumers across the nation have observed December 24 as National Consumer Rights Day.
  • In 1991 and 1993, certain amendments were made in the Consumer Protection Act. Later, to make it more effective, a couple of changes were made in December 2002, which came into effect on March 15, 2003.
  • On the other hand ‘World Consumer Rights Day’ is celebrated on March 15 every year.
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