NASA launches world's biggest and most powerful space telescope

NASA launches world's biggest and most powerful space telescope

Daily Current Affairs   /   NASA launches world's biggest and most powerful space telescope

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: December 27 2021

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  • The world's largest and most powerful space telescope launched on a mission to investigate the universe in search of early stars, galaxies, and indications of life.
  • The name of this space telescope is 'James Webb Space Telescope'.
  • NASA's James Webb Space Telescope was launched by the European rocket Ariane from the French Guiana Space Center on the northeastern coast of South America.
  • This observatory, which will cost around $10 billion to build, will travel 1.6 million kilometres, or four times the distance between Earth and the Moon, to reach its destination.
  • It will take one month to get there, and its infrared eyes will be ready to explore the universe in the following five months.
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