Tamil Nadu Minister for Sports Development and Youth Welfare Udhayanidhi Stalin felicitated N Muthamizh Selvi, the first woman from Tamil Nadu to scale Mount Everest.
The 34-year-old woman from Johilpatti, Virudhunagar, reached the summit of Mount Everest on May 23, after 56 days of strenuous journey.
Muthamizh Selvi hails from Johilpatti near Kariapatti in the Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu.
In 2021 she set a new world record by rappelling down blindfolded from a 155-foot mountain in less than a minute. The record was registered in the UNICO Book of World Records.
Tamil Nadu sports department and Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin arranged Rs 25 lakh for her, out of which Rs 10 lakh was from a government fund and Rs 15 lakh was from sponsors.