MP Govt Unveils Brindavan Gram Scheme and Gita Bhavan Project

MP Govt Unveils Brindavan Gram Scheme and Gita Bhavan Project

Daily Current Affairs   /   MP Govt Unveils Brindavan Gram Scheme and Gita Bhavan Project

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Category : National Published on: September 07 2024

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  • Madhya Pradesh government has launched 'Brindavan Gram' scheme to transform selected gram panchayats into model villages with a focus on cow conservation, rural development, and increase in milk production. 
  • Under this initiative, a cow shelter will be established in every village.
  • Under Vrindavan Gram Yojana, one village will be selected from every development block, in which horticulture and medicinal farming will be promoted along with milk production.
  • Work will be done to encourage cow dung-based activities, build cowsheds, promote solar energy to all houses, provision of community toilets, sports ground, collection of minor forest produce. 
  • At the same time, Geeta Bhawan will be opened in all urban bodies. These will work as ideological study centers and will be the work of giving reading material.
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