Maharashtra Chief Minister, Eknath Shinde, announced that the famous custom that takes places during the festival of Janmashtami will now be recognized as an official sport in the state.
Dahi-Handi’ will be recognised under the sports category in Maharashtra.
Dahi Handi is celebrated on the occasion of Janmashtami, the birth of lord Krishna. The Dahi Handi (earthen pots filled with yogurt) is part of the Janmashtami festival where young participants called ‘Govindas’, dressed in colorful clothes, make a human pyramid to reach the pot hung mid-air, and break it.
In case of the unfortunate death of a participant during the formation of human pyramids, his/her kin would get Rs 10 lakh as compensation from the state government.
A player suffering serious injuries would receive Rs 7 lakh, while one with fractures would be paid Rs 5 lakh.