Lt Gen Shankar Narayan assumes charge as Commandant of Army Research & Referral Hospital

Lt Gen Shankar Narayan assumes charge as Commandant of Army Research & Referral Hospital

Daily Current Affairs   /   Lt Gen Shankar Narayan assumes charge as Commandant of Army Research & Referral Hospital

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Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: July 12 2024

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  • Lt Gen Shankar Narayan, NM, VSM, has been appointed as the Commandant of Army Hospital (R&R) in New Delhi, the premier hospital of the Armed Forces Medical Services.
  • An alumnus of the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Lt Gen Narayan specialized in Pediatrics, completed post-doctoral sub-specialisation in Neonatology from AIIMS, New Delhi, and trained in pediatric liver transplantation at King's College Hospital, London.
  • Lt Gen Narayan brings extensive experience in patient care, clinical services, postgraduate teaching, and medical administration to his new role at Army Hospital (R&R).
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